КИНОФАЗАН - Sansa (in memory of Siegfried)


Прожекция на "Sansa" + дискусия за филма и за методите на неговият създател Зигфрид + слушане на музика от Зигфрид
19:00 - Вратите отварят
20:00 - Sansa
22:00 - Дискусия
субтитри: английски
местата са ограничени
screening of Sansa + discussion about the movie and its creator Siegfried + listening to Siegfried's music
19:00 - Doors Open
20:00 - Sansa
22:00 - Discussion
subtitles: english
seats are limited / first come, first served
КИНОФАЗАН tries to merge our wild and unprecedented love for cinema with our desire to understand the whimsical process behind filmmaking.
Each episode features a certain theme we’d like to explore and a screening of a movie which illustrates it in an interesting way.
The format of КИНОФАЗАН is fluid and open to anybody. The selection of movies is broad, eclectic and doesn’t try to fit in any particular genre, period or movement.

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