Girls in Film


“This selection of animation work from femme directors and animators
from Seoul to Paris encompasses many different styles and genres and
focuses on showing unique illustration styles and use of graphics.
In the selection we have multi-award winning shorts from Spela
Cadez, Sujin Moon and Lola Lefevre plus premieres from Jenny Wright
and Sacha Beeley. Plus a premiere for Girls in Film's own production
company of work by Diyala Muir.”

– Becs Rainey, Head of GiF UK

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl pwr!!! Time to bring some sugar, spice and everything nice to the list of events with the GIRLS IN FILM! The collective that changes the gender bias in the film industry by bringing women to its forefront. GIRLS IN FILM are coming straight to Sofia for a special panel with selected titles, hand-picked for FIG. TREE! We are speechless, and so would you.

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